About The Webmaster

Hi, my name is Summer! I'm a 30+ year old artist living in the UK! You can refer to me by whatever pronouns you want, but I'd prefer They/Them j

I'm currently in the process of becoming self employed! In my spare time I tend to write a lot of fanfiction & original fiction! My other hobbies and interests include web design, photography, lost media, internet mysteries & various crafts!

About Strange Heart

Strange Heart is a companion website to a tumblr blog I own called Yourheartisstrange and started exclusively as a website for graphics such as icons and blends! I have recently decided to expand it into a web material website, with both these graphics, and now free to use pixels and other sozai items! D

Graphics, particularly icon making were a big part of my fandom experience as a teenager over on LiveJournal, and it's one of the aspects I miss from the old days. I was also always fasinated by pixel, sozai and pixel doll websites back in the day, and always hoped one day to make a website like that! K

As such, this site is my nostalgic return to the good old days. My style of graphics is very much inspired by the sorts of things you could find on LiveJournal back in the day. I also hope to be able to provide something unique in terms of pixels for people to use on their own sites. F

While making my graphics, I've also created quite a few resources in the process. This is mostly creating transparent shots out of screenshots & offical artwork. I thought some people who enjoy making graphics too might be able to get some use out of these resources, so I've started releasing them for public use! g

I hope you enjoy your time on the site, and maybe even find something of use here! O

My Other Sites

Please note that most of my other sites are 18+ and are intended for an adult audience! These sites are appropriately warned for on splash pages, but please take care!

Summer Kaptilo (Personal Site) Summer Writes Fics (Fanfiction Website) Faerie Bori (Neopets Fansite)